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Archive for August 2013
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes...
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Vocals: Vicki Bell
Do you remember the days
When we had long long ways to go
And you were there for me,
As I&n...
Castlevania Potrait Ruin ~ The Night Flow
When I Hear This soundtrack I feel like on the big garden, with many flower blosoms, I feel all memories Flowing Very Beautifully ^^, all Creatures...
> Precious ( berharga )
見慣れた街で迷子になる 空っぽになった心
Minareta machi de maigo ni naru karappo ni natta kokoro
狭くて長くて険しい道だけど もう戻らない
Sebakute nagakute kewashii michi dakedo mou modoranai
変わらぬものはないと知ってた 手を伸ばしても掴めない
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Angel eyes, you have angel eyes, such a smile that lights up my life
You're a dream come true, now I'm holding you
And I'll never, never...
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Cara Ampuh Menaklukkan Gebetan berdasarkan Zodiak
by lukmanfiles
in Menjadi Pria Idaman
Kaitkata:pencinta-wanita, pis, pria idaman wanita, rondald frank, wanita idaman
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The Beatles
Title Song : I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
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What we need before makes Perfect Lines is Concept Proportion and do it.
Concept First
Line arts then.
Jhon Lenon with samurai xDD
Without Concept imposible we can makes and imagine...
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Myuji - Ex Dream
eX Dream ( X- 1999 ) ( Opening 1st Soundtrack )
Artist: Myuji
(from X TV series)
Izure koware yuku kono sekai ni wa
yume ya kibou to ka dou demo ii mono
kokoro no naka de nemuru...
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we talk and share some information about japan,
ok well, with sentence japan we can description with :
Japan place for mangaka. ofcourse. indeed.
Japan place...
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Dalam merancang dan membuat objek dari kain kita memerlukan pengetahuan
dasar dalam merancangnya. oleh karena itu beberapa dasar diantaranya
adalah :
Kain memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda,...

Cloth ver 0.001
When we designing and creating Object from Cloth theres such basic knowledge to Draw it, therefore some basic are:
Cloth have different characteristics, depend on the type and thickness...
How to makes cloth for manga and designer ( Litle explanation about basic concept )
Friday, August 23, 2013
Posted by Unknown
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Type Male Eyes :D
Many type of males eye's :3 manga perception... dunt estimated to serious :3 :D
Ima 've already analys many my male friend's and this...
Look this prediction Male's Personality. when see their eye's :3 ( tips for girlz.. )
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Tag :// bla bla bla

Meet with him is miracle... XD~ ....
Tag :// Anata

Digital Coloring Houd Dante With Selection Tool. Marker tool, Brush Dirt scar set, and Lighting efectforgive me if any of my art not realy good. . stil learn. until i died.. xD, lets draw.. n share our...
Digital Coloring Houd Dante With Selection Tool. Marker tool, Brush Dirt scar set, and Lighting efect
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Posted by Unknown
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