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Archive for 2013
T ara Park Ji Yeon
Basic drawing :
1. Same like others
2. we must create the layer first with real pictures on Park Ji Yeon
3. Create another layer and dont forget turn real pictures with...
Tag :// tutorials
Video Drawing Tyki Mikk D~ gray- Man Enemy Alen wallker
ON that tutorial .
Ima give litle tips how to draw cloth and buttom easier use, template so we not manualy create the flower patern. ...
Tag :// tutorials
step 1
step 2
Tag :// tutorials
Tag :// tutorials
sadness eye's, cool personality, though. n deathfull...... WOW b*_*b
step on this video was .
1. ima use real pictures.
2. makes new layer
3. turn real pictures to multiply to easier see the...
Tag :// tutorials
Step 1
On that tutorial first stem ima using photoshop. to coloring base line art.
Step 2
On second tutorial ima try to coloring hair with combined yellow and orange color.. look...

real pictures
basic painting
potrait small lips
Video Tutorial on youtube
part 1
part 2
Basically this drawing scene is was. :
1. i follow...
Tag :// tutorials
hey ..^^if you need to makes custom's pc or laptop specification or build new system hardware, i can give a litle advice to makes what you need. maybe
Just for playing games or
Design 3d or 2d....
Tag :// help

well, on this tutorial ima tell guide tips to draw sadnes males CRY. ^^ litle explanation. :)start.. draw hair
sad expretion
When create...
Tag :// tutorials
ひとりじゃない / Hitori ja Nai / I’m Not Alone
1st Dragon Ball GT Ending Theme (episodes 1-26)
Tag :// lyrics
Nee, hontou wa, daremonee, aisenai to iiwarete
kowagari no kimi to,deaiyatto sono imi ni kizuita
Kizutsuku tame, ima futarideatta nara, kanashi sugiru yo
Kokoro kara
kimi ni tsutaetai
kitto tada hontou...
Tag :// lyrics
---------Diamond Dust -----------
Omae no kokoro kyou mo nakaseteTenshitachi ga tameshite iruOre no ai ga hikaru GARASU kaHaimamire no DAIYAMONDO na noka
Yuuhi ga itsukaKotae wo aburi dasu darou
Tag :// lyrics
Lyrics: Sakai IzumiMusic: Oda TetsurouArranged: Ikeda DaisukeSung by: ZARD
DAN DAN 心魅かれてく
果てない暗闇(やみ)から飛び出そう Hold my hand
子供の頃 大切に想っていた景色(ばしょ)を思い出したんだ
光と影の Winding Road 今でも あいつに夢中なの?
少しだけ 振り向きたくなるような時もあるけど
DAN DAN 心魅かれてく
きっと誰もが 永遠を手に入れたい
ZEN ZEN 気にしないフリしても
果てない暗闇(やみ)から飛び出そう Hold...
Tag :// lyrics
Long Time Not talk here..... ^^
if you have times. c my costume design n vote me on dragon nest sea forum okk.. ^^b.. hehe... kimi tachi wa Gambaru zhe ^^
This part of my design there,,
Tag :// Design

Texture Untuk Baju
Texture untuk Celana
Step 1 gunakan gambar sebelumnya, buat layer baru .
Step 2 ubah seting layer ke multiply , dengan begitu kita dapat melihat background gambar sebelumnya.
Mewarnai Dengan Bantuan Texture Jadi Pada Paint Tool Sai , KEREN :D
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Posted by Unknown

texture for pant
texture for cloth
step 1 . use our line art's
step 2 custom layer with multiply with this we can see the background layer.
step 3. resize and group the texture, and erase...
Coloring Cloth and Pant Using Texture Template on paint tool sai
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Posted by Unknown
Tag :// tutorials

layer 1
layer 2
layer 3
layer 4
layer 5
layer 6
layer 7
layer 8
layer finish
layer 9
(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id))...
Tag :// tutorials

When we want to draw scene on manga, we need exacly to know where the point of view angle camera position is, usualy main character have more detail than others, Coz when we build character development...
Tag :// tutorials

Cero Idiot Neko xD
Cero using cool hat XD
First I draw. the 1 eyes first. Use Pencil tool.. dunt forget to makes concept first . oval lines.
After that select...
Tag :// tutorials
Description: Ending theme
Lyrics by Shin
Music by Reno
Performed by ViViD
kanji hiragana
Original / Romaji Lyrics
"Are you ready?"
Do not fear "ima" MUGEN NO KANATA ni mienai mono o miyou to shite...
Tag :// lyrics